Value Our Waste
August 27, 2023
Level 9, Maybank Tower, Phonm Penh, Cambodia
A recap by
#MYouth Cambodia
Being an episode running in tandem with the portrait painting workshop, participants on this side of the table were able to get their hands dirty with some hands-on artwork in creating meaningful envelopes and pouches, all through recycled plastics in the name of sustainability!
Why did I bring this episode to life?
Learning about sustainability isn't all that difficult, you'll simply just have to create the avenue for participants to learn about it through unconventional means. Here, the team in Cambodia alongside us in Malaysia embodied the same vision, to foster the value of sustainability amongst the youths through simple yet tangible practices.
A recap by
#MYouth Cambodia
Being an episode running in tandem with the portrait painting workshop, participants on this side of the table were able to get their hands dirty with some hands-on artwork in creating meaningful envelopes and pouches, all through recycled plastics in the name of sustainability!
Why did I bring this episode to life?
Learning about sustainability isn't all that difficult, you'll simply just have to create the avenue for participants to learn about it through unconventional means. Here, the team in Cambodia alongside us in Malaysia embodied the same vision, to foster the value of sustainability amongst the youths through simple yet tangible practices.